Crate life is feudal wiki
Crate life is feudal wiki

crate life is feudal wiki

He thought and thought on how he could live differently, and decided, that instead of taking everything and then giving everything, he would hold onto some, and give a little. Soon, he was whole again, to no expense of those that had taken from him, and he made his way back home. The man, knowing that the key to happiness lay in not taking long to think, agreed. "I will give you another chance then, but, you have to live your life in a way you hadn't lived before. The man thought as loud as he could, "I do. "I find myself missing my tongue and my eyes and my body and my hands and my legs and my house and my clothes."Ī faerie happened to be flitting by and heard his thoughts.

crate life is feudal wiki

"Perhaps I should not have given everything." So he thought to himself, for he could no longer speak, As the days passed, the man found that his smile was fading. He had given everything but his name and no one even knew it in the first place. He sat at the edge of town, still smiling, for he thought he was happy. So, the man thinking he was doing another bit that would make him happy, opened his mouth so the crow may take his tongue. "Your tongue, for I am hungry and that is all that's left of you." The head being ever generous to man and asked the beast alike, asked the bird what he wanted. Not being able to see did not bother him so much, for he knew the other man was happy, and so, he too was happy. So the head let the blind man's friend take out his eyes and give them away. "New eyes, for I am tired of living without them." "Yes, I am." The smiling head replied from the ground. The eyeless one asked, "Are you the one giving away things?" Two men approached him one day, one without eyes. He gave away his legs, then his hips, then his torso, until he was nothing but a head sitting at the edge of town. So the poor man continued on like this, asking everyone he could find what they wanted from him. The poor man smiled at the other man, and, seeing how happy the other man was with his arms, and, despite the pain, the poor man thought himself happy. So the poor man and the armless man went to the doctor, and the poor man gave away his arms. "New arms, for I am tired of living without them." So he continued through the town and asked the first man he saw "The first man, having no arms, did not take long to think. He had nothing but his name now and thought himself happy. Without hesitating, the poor man take off his clothes and handed them off to the man in rags. The man looked down at his dirty rags and did not take long to think of an answer. The poor man went on and asked another man the same. Finding himself giving the world a toothy grin, he thought himself happy. Now the poor man had only the clothes on his back. So the poor man gave the homeless man his house, and all furniture included. "A house, for I am tired of being without one." The man, sitting on a street corner, living in a crate, did not take long to think. So the rich man, now the poor man, went on and asked another man the same. So the rich man gave the poor man all the money he had so the man would never be poor again, and, feeling his smile widen, thought himself happy. He came upon another man and asked, "What do you want?" So the rich man went on, looking for another person to help. The rich man, now a bit poorer, and a lot hungrier, had begun to feel his mouth lifting at the corners, and he had thought himself happy. So the rich man give this poor man all of his food, so he would never be hungry again. The first man he came upon he asked, "What do you want?" So the man went into town, thinking he would do the opposite of what he had done in the past, and give all of his things away, because, surely, this would make him happy. Though he lacked one thing- he was rarely happy. There was once a man who was rich in everything. The Man Who Gave Everything is a story about a man who was rich but not happy and gave everything away.

Crate life is feudal wiki